

Quiltcon Memories

Quiltcon 2016 has come and gone.  In one way or another, I think we all had a great time. Here are some of the highlights or fond moments that I gathered from our guild members.

Kim King loved seeing Natalie Barnes' (Beyond the Reef Patterns) new line of fabric in origami format:

Ann Leibovitz was thrilled by the bright colors & graphics of the quilts and vendors' fabrics!

Alicia Czuzak met up with both her Los Angeles MQG and Long Beach MQG buddies:

Per Alicia,  here I am with Amy Smart from Diary of a Quilter, learning Y seams. She's as sweet as can be!

Now Alicia is with Melissa Averinos in her making faces class. Per Alicia, it was such a great experience being in her presence especially when it was announced to her during the first hour of class that she had won "Best in Show" for her quilt "my brother's jeans.

Per Sharon Drobka,loved it all!  The lectures that I went to seeing the amazing quilts and meeting some great people in the quilt industry.